Safe and lightweight Li-Metal batteries can provide longer range, greater payload, and lower cost for Urban Air Mobility, EVs, drones, robotics, and other portable energy storage applications.
Avatar is our effort to ensure 100% safety in the field. It consists of AI for Manufacturing that captures defects missed by conventional quality control, and AI for Safety that accurately predicts battery health and vehicle value.
Molecular Universe is our AI for Science effort to map the vast universe of small molecules and develop an AI Agent to accelerate material discovery for Li-Metal and Li-ion across many applications.
Powering electrictransportation on land andin the air.
Originally developed forone of the world’s toughestbattery chemistries,Li-Metal, now applicable forboth next generationLi-Metal and mainstreamLi-ion, and across manyapplications includingtransportation, storage,robotics, consumerelectronics and beyond.
SES AI’s mission is toaccelerate the world’senergy transition throughmaterial discovery andbattery management. ItsAI-enhanced high energydensity and high powerdensity Li-Metal and Li-ionbatteries are the firstbatteries in the world tocontain electrolytematerials discovered by AI.These batteries can be usedfor transportation on landand in the air, storage,robotics, drones, and manyother applications.